Intuition not only has a place in business, it can often be a silent and powerful ally in decision making.
We are powerful Universal co-creators when we remember how to alchemize vision into reality.
Our purpose lives within us. This is remembered and activated by trusting our internal intuitive compass.
Most would describe her as a powerful ally to love, compassion, determination and grit. As an entrepreneur, her truth and focus is that there is always a way to create your vision.
Society has created a strange fear around intuition and awakening ones own intuitive connection. Sitara has a powerful and precise way to show this Universal connection lives within all living human beings.
The best part? She shows quickly how easy it is to connect within and how trustworthy our internal guidance system can truly be.
Her quantum connection to the audience and message is always a memorable and potentially life changing experience for those in the room.

Supercharged Business: How Intuitive Connection Becomes the Silent Upper Hand in Business
AI is sweeping the modern industry. More and more jobs are being replaced as technology advances. How do you safeguard yourself, your skills, and your income as the world of business changes with the digital age?
Sitara Fe has been a practicing professional psychic since 2012 and by what she would describe as fate, has worked on several global crypto projects. Her experience in the metaphysical world and the world of digital innovation gives her a unique perspective to explore how to stay on the leading edge of business development.
Through her talk, the audience will discover how to confidently connect with their intuition in a matter of 3 seconds.
They will learn how to better understand their intuition and how to identify different innate abilities that have been alive within their whole life. The audience will have a clear idea of how to utilize this newly activated information in their career development by having clear faith in trusting their inner guidance system to make important decisions.
"I felt so aligned during and afterwards that I was in a state of bliss the remainder of the day. Clients are booking me for the healing energy I exude and I couldn’t be happier.
Thank you from the depths of my soul for showing up."
Shalise P
"It was very powerful! My body was buzzing almost the entire time."
Lisa H
"BLOWN AWAY… yep just blown away!"
Lisa F